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Assignments are specified tasks given to participants. The teacher provides the participants with an assignment and the participants submit the assignment answers in itslearning. The teacher then corrects the assignment and assesses it.

When you use the assignment tool, you accomplish the following:

Assessing assignments

The itslearning's assignment tool allows the participants to submit answers individually or in groups. When assessing, the teachers can assess individual participants or several participants at the same time.

Anonymous submissions

Anonymous submission allows participants to hand in assignments anonymously. This means that teachers cannot see the names of the participants when marking the work. The learners' actual names are replaced with codes. The final results can be made available in the grade book, but they will not be visible for the teacher before they are published for the participants.

To enable anonymous submissions, tick the Anonymous submission box when adding the assignment.

Multiple assessment

The Assess multiple function is time-saving for the teacher. In the assessment process, most teachers take notes along the way and are left with a general impression on what grade the individual participant should receive. It is time-saving for the teacher to assess all the participants to receive a C at the same time, instead of having to go through all the individual assignments to set a grade. This particularly applies to large courses.

When you want to assess multiple participants, check the boxes in front of the participants you want to assess in the same batch and click the Assess multiple link in the assignment overview:

On the next page you see the participants for whom you assess answers, and you can change the status, set an assessment and enter a comment. Note that all the participants in the Assess answers for list receive the same status, assessment and comment.

Group hand-ins

Course groups 

If you enable group hand-ins, the teacher can select whether to use course groups, individual groups, or self-enrolment. A course group is a group that is created in a course from the Groups link in the navigation tree. Individual groups are groups that the participants create themselves.

When you participate in an assignment as a member of a course group, you answer the assignment as normally. When the assignment is ready, one of the members submit it on behalf of the entire group. At the bottom of the answer assignment page there is a Group drop-down list. Select your group from this list and click Submit. It is still possible to submit an assignment individually without being part of a group. In this case, select the option No group.

Learner-defined groups

If you enable learner-defined groups, participants are allowed to create their own groups. The participant that submits the assignment select the other participants from a list:


When participating in a group assignment, a learner has the option of joining an existing assignment group. Members of a group are notified of new members via the internal messaging system. This allows a teacher with, for example, 60 participants in a course to hand out an assignment and tell the learners to organize themselves in groups of, for example, four.

General group hand-in features

When you are part of a group that has submitted an answer, you can withdraw from the group. Click on the assignment and click the link Withdraw from a group:

If you for some reason want to join another group’s submitted answer, you can click the Join an answer submitted by another group link.

Click the link and select the group you want to join from the drop-down list.

When groups are used, the assignment overview looks like this for the teacher:

The participant that submitted the answer is listed first, with the other participants listed below. You can see that Thomas Nemeth has submitted his assignment alone.

Send reminders 

Teachers are now allowed to send reminders to participants that have not yet submitted an assignment. This can be done manually from the assignment overview by clicking the Send reminders link. The reminder message is sent through the internal message system. The addresses of the participants that have not replied is automatically added in the To field and the teacher can write a message to the participants in the text field.

Submit after deadline

When teachers add an assignment, they can decide whether to allow the participants to submit after the deadline.

Print assignment

There is a Print assignment link under the Settings cogwheel. Click the link to print the assignment:

Saving assignments as drafts

Participants can save assignments as drafts by clicking the Save as draft button. Teachers will be able to see draft answers, but will be informed of an assignment’s draft status.


ClosedAdding an assignment
ClosedEditing an assignment
ClosedDeleting an assignment
ClosedSubmitting an assignment answer
ClosedAssessing individual assignments
ClosedAssessing multiple assignments
ClosedMaking the assessment available for the participants
ClosedManaging assignment permissions

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